As August approaches, I realize that soon school will start - along with homework, football, soccer, music and theater classes - and the time for running barefoot will be gone for the year.
I love photographing my clients outdoors and barefoot! Sometimes the little girls I photograph bring the cutest shoes (and I am such a shoe freak!) but I still make them take them off and run around letting the grass get in between their toes! And I take mine off too. So we are all running around barefoot and having fun!
There are still a few short weeks left to summer and just enough time for you to still take off your shoes for a Barefoot in the Garden session. Clients booking their sessions before September 15th will receive a complimentary set of holiday cards along with their wall portrait order. Because even though it's still summer, it's never to early to start planning for the holidays. Call soon, sessions are booking quickly. 908-868-8023.