Friday, May 21, 2010

A World of Smiles for One From Your Child

This month I am working hard to raise money for WorldVision, an organization that is dedicated to bettering the life of children and families in impoverished areas of the world.

By booking a mini-session before June 15th, I will donate 50% of your creative fee to WorldVision. As a thank you for helping me raise money for this great organization you will receive a 5x7 gift print (an $85 value).

You can find out more about WorldVision at and can book a mini-session with GSC Photography by calling 908-868-8023. We CAN change the smile at a time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

International Competition

A little over 4 years ago, I joined Professional Photographers of America (PPA). This organization is dedicated to helping professional photographers learn, grow and continually improve in their chosen art form, not only in artistic and technical aspects, but also in ways that help photographers grow their business. It has been an incredibly inspirational resource for me and joining PPA is one of the best things I have done since I have decided to become a professional photographer.

Each year, PPA holds its international competition with thousands of professional photographers from all over the world participating. Images scoring a certain level of points earn merits that we photographers need in order to obtain our Craftsman Degree from PPA. Earning the Craftsman designation is a goal I am pursuing. This year...I'm ready to compete among this esteemed group of professionals and earn those merit points.

It is a daunting proposition....putting images that I have created and that I love in front of a group of very demanding judges for their critique. (Not something for one who can't handle criticism well). In striving to be the best professional photographer I can be and in preparing for participation in this competition I have taken numerous technical workshops, read countless books on art and photography and lighting and posing and the entire process of creating beautiful and impactful images. I have mentored with some of the best photographers around and have found a network of colleagues to provide support and advice and sometimes even a kick in the butt.

Choosing the images was also a challenging prospect. Of the thousands of images I have taken, I can only enter four. The following four are what I feel are the best of my work to date. I have met with competition advisors asking their thoughts, opinions and advice, have shown them to my closest champions, have worked with these images to take them to their highest level for show.

And now....I'm ready.....
Ready, good or bad what the judges say. (of course I hope for the best). I know my work can stand against those of the best in the business.

But participating in this competition is not just about having my work is another step in my learning process as a professional photographer. I will listen to the judges comments (I am having the critiques videotaped and I think I'll have a glass of wine before I watch those tapes! LOL!), I will learn from them. I will see the work of other amazing professional photographers and learn what makes what they do special also.

Am I nervous? Of course, it is not easy to put one's art, one's self on the line for others to judge. But I am doing it because I want to create the most beautiful images I am capable of...and I will never stop striving for excellence. Carpe Diem!!

Wish me luck! And have a fabulous day!

Peace and Joy,

Competition Image #1: Pinkalicious

Competition Image #2: Sand and Sea

Competition Image #3: A Trio of Love

Competition Image #4: Serene Light

Friday, May 14, 2010

Look Ma...No Teeth!!!!

I have been waiting patiently for J. to give us the okay to photograph him. Finally, we got the go ahead for one of my favorite type of sessions....the Look Ma...No Teeth! Series. I love how kids at this stage feel so cool and grown up just because their front teeth have fallen out. (Puts a kid's view of the world in perspective, doesn't it!?!) We got to do this session with one of my favorite props, my mushroom seats. They are just very fun and whimsical and out of the ordinary (and when you put them together and lie on top of them, it's like you are flying!!!! )
And when one of your best buds comes along for the get some real giggles and laughs out of the day!

Thanks, J.! You are the BEST!!!!!! (So says me and B.)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A special rite of passage

First Holy Communion is a very special rite of passage for children in the Catholic Church. And so it is important to document this auspicious event. At the same time, as a photographer specializing in children's portraiture, I cannot help but also want to document the fun and excitement that these young children are experiencing. The sacrament of communion is a solemn affair, but the age and innocence of these children is also something to be revered and treasured.

As we move away from communion season, I am proud of the images I have been able to create and I feel a certain privilege to have been included as a part of this very special time in the lives of these children.

The beauty of a child's smile, the sound of a child's laughter, the wonderful, uninihibited energy of a child....these are all things that remind of of what is right with the world and should not be overlooked or underestimated.

These images of S. make me smile. We had fun outside on a gorgeous afternoon. S. got to romp and play and have just a bit of fun, along with appreciating the wonderous occasion of her first holy communion.

Peace and Joy,

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Cutest Little Girls

I recently had to opportunity to photograph a dance class for Elefante Music. What a fabulous time we all had. The girls aged 3 - 5 all had a terrific time dancing and playing with their teacher! I had a fabulous time watching them turn, twirl, curtsy and pirouette. The room was bright and airy, the teacher was wonderful, the girls were adorable! (makes me wish I had a little girl to dress up in a ballet outfit and send over to Elefante's Dance class! - Oh well, coach/pitch baseball has its benefits! Back to the baseball diamond for me.)