Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Welcome Back....Finally
With all that behind me, it is time to start doing what I love most and what I was always meant to... creating really beautiful portraits.
Here is just a quick peek of a recent session at Raritan Park in Far Hills, NJ
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Cupcake Session
So the day we did The Cupcake Session, was the same day of the anniversary of my mother's death 7 years ago. As I did this session with adorable C. I was reminded of the promise I made to my mother the day she died.
I spent years listening to my mom, in my young and naive view, harrass me about what I was doing with my life. I worked in the financial industry, lived in New York City and was very successful. But mom was always on me saying, "You hate math and finance. Why are you there? Why don't you do something creative and artistic? That's where your real talents lie." Really, I heard this so much I think I may have been saying it in my sleep.
Mom passed away three months after my son was born. And while it was an incredibly difficult time. I was given a true gift by being able to spend the last 6 weeks with her. She was surrounded by her family on her last day. Towards the end of that day, I went outside to photograph the sun setting over the water. And when I came back I made a promise to mom.
I promised her that I would do "something" with the gift for photography that I had been given.
Here I am, 7 years later, doing exactly that. And all I can think is "Oh boy...Mom was right!"
Little C. and I had a fabulous time with these cupcakes from Brownie Points Bakery in Summit, NJ. We had Red Velvet, Mint Chocolate Chip, Chocolate and Vanilla (ok, we didn't eat all of them. But we did have our fair share). And I thought of Mom....that she was right and that she would be proud of me today.
I love you mom and I miss you. Put in a good word for me upstairs.
Your daughter,
Monday, September 20, 2010
'Scuse Me While I Get This Text.
During our session, I asked them to all pull out their phones and pretend to text (because that's all teenagers want to do all the time anyway (lol!)) - but I think they really were texting their friends (one even texted him mom who was sitting in the room with us!) Later I had the boys doing the overprotective big brother thing. Those were so cute and fun, I was laughing the whole time I was editing. It really works out great when both I and my clients come to a session willing to get creative and playful and go with it for just the moment.
Enjoy the portraits we created together and Peace Out!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
More Look Ma...No Teeth!
I have been watching this little boy grow up over the last few years. I think he is totally adorable, funny and gorgeous. And I think he may be even cuter with no teeth!

Friday, August 27, 2010
Then, of course, were the good times. The family vacations, the Christmas holidays, turning the living room into a world of FisherPrice toys (the castle, village, airport, etc) playing with our barbie dolls all day long, the playing outside from dawn till dusk during the summertime. Those times were the best and I couldn't imagine NOT having my sister around.
Now that I am older, it's funny.... but sometimes I still have those same feelings. I can't stand when my sister tells me like it is and says things to me that no one else in the world would be able to get away with. And then.....there are the times that I am so glad we have each other. She knows me and my history like no one else. And there is great comfort in that.
My sister doesn't live close to me, so I don't get to see her as often as I would like. But we talk all the time. She knows that I am here for her no matter what. If she called me and said she needed me, she knows I would come running to her side. (I would go and have gone running to her side even though she didn't ask me to. Because she is my sister and I KNEW she needed me there.)
When it comes down to it, a sister is going to be the best friend you will ever have. She will know what makes you tick (and what pushes your buttons). She will tell you the truth when no one else will dare. She will let you know that come what may...she will always be lean on, to cry with, to laugh with and to help you live life to the fullest.
Sis...I miss you lots. Give me a call tonite so we can chat.
Peace and Love,

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Back 2 School is Back 2 Cool

Keep Cool!