Then, of course, were the good times. The family vacations, the Christmas holidays, turning the living room into a world of FisherPrice toys (the castle, village, airport, etc) playing with our barbie dolls all day long, the playing outside from dawn till dusk during the summertime. Those times were the best and I couldn't imagine NOT having my sister around.
Now that I am older, it's funny.... but sometimes I still have those same feelings. I can't stand when my sister tells me like it is and says things to me that no one else in the world would be able to get away with. And then.....there are the times that I am so glad we have each other. She knows me and my history like no one else. And there is great comfort in that.
My sister doesn't live close to me, so I don't get to see her as often as I would like. But we talk all the time. She knows that I am here for her no matter what. If she called me and said she needed me, she knows I would come running to her side. (I would go and have gone running to her side even though she didn't ask me to. Because she is my sister and I KNEW she needed me there.)
When it comes down to it, a sister is going to be the best friend you will ever have. She will know what makes you tick (and what pushes your buttons). She will tell you the truth when no one else will dare. She will let you know that come what may...she will always be lean on, to cry with, to laugh with and to help you live life to the fullest.
Sis...I miss you lots. Give me a call tonite so we can chat.
Peace and Love,

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