Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sing a Song of Spring

'Tis the season"! No not Christmas, silly! It's spring time!! Yippee! This weekend its supposed to be fabulous and warm. And all I can say's about time!

It's time to go outside, play on the playground, swing on the swings, start thinking about what new plants to plant in the other favorite time of the year!

I am launching my spring promotion. From now till May 31st, if you book a session with GSC Photography, you will receive a $100 credit on your portrait order. In addition, because I'm starting to think about Mother's Day, any Dad who calls and purchases a gift certificate to GSC Photography for his lovely wife and the mother of his children will receive a set of 2 mini-books with images from the family portrait session as an added thanks. That's one for mom and one for grandmom.

So go ahead and get outside and play!

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