Thursday, May 13, 2010

A special rite of passage

First Holy Communion is a very special rite of passage for children in the Catholic Church. And so it is important to document this auspicious event. At the same time, as a photographer specializing in children's portraiture, I cannot help but also want to document the fun and excitement that these young children are experiencing. The sacrament of communion is a solemn affair, but the age and innocence of these children is also something to be revered and treasured.

As we move away from communion season, I am proud of the images I have been able to create and I feel a certain privilege to have been included as a part of this very special time in the lives of these children.

The beauty of a child's smile, the sound of a child's laughter, the wonderful, uninihibited energy of a child....these are all things that remind of of what is right with the world and should not be overlooked or underestimated.

These images of S. make me smile. We had fun outside on a gorgeous afternoon. S. got to romp and play and have just a bit of fun, along with appreciating the wonderous occasion of her first holy communion.

Peace and Joy,

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