Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Little Halloween Fun

In our house, my son has enjoyed dressing up in costumes since he was very little. Sometimes they would be costumes from previous halloweens (our lion costume), sometimes from trips we've taken (Jack Sparrow from DisneyWorld), sometimes gifts from Santa Claus (the astronaut outfit and helmet - one of my favorites), and sometimes just things he would find around the house (vests, belts, hats, dad's suit jacket and ties). There are times when I feel like everyday is halloween around here.

But there really is something special about Halloween. It's a day when we all get to use our imagination and play for just a little while - whether you are a child or an adult. I think it's so much fun to get caught up in creating and playing these characters for an afternoon and evening(and who doesn't love the chocolate?!?! Come on, admit you raid your children's halloween buckets after they have gone to bed? I sure's one of my guilty pleasures.

On Saturday and Sunday, October 24th and 25th, I will be hosting a special Halloween Mini-Portrait Session event. My mini-sessions are 30 minutes and will be set up similar to what you see in these images. Sessions are limited, so be sure to call to reserve your spot. 908-868-8023. Creative fees for these mini-portrait sessions are $50 and you get a free set of wallets to show off your kids creativity and imagination and joie de vivre!


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