This difficut time has helped me hyper-focus on what really matters and what is really important. And as we approach this Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to talk about what I am thankful for.
I am thankful for....
The doctors, nurses, caregivers and ancillary staff of Yale-New Haven Hospital...
for saving my niece's life and giving her a second chance. It is a gift they have given not only to my niece, but to our entire family. The helped us navigate an incredibly difficult time. Thank you.
I am thankful for...
My family (John, Bobby, Tara and Dave) for completely understanding when plans had to suddenly change and they said "Don't worry about what you have to do. Go and be with your sister. That's what matters." I love you all so much and am incredibly blessed to have you as my family.
I am thankful for...
My friends. What a fabulous support network you have all been. From helping make sure Bobby was picked up and taken to school, taken care of when I couldn't be your prayers, kind words, positive thoughts and general concern. I love that I live in this community. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Thank you so much.
I am thankful for....
my niece. She is alive and kicking and has had to endure more than any child should ever have to endure. She faced her fear and pain with grace and dignity. She is a strong young woman, and I can't wait to see what she does with her life!
I am thankful for....
my sister. For accepting with quiet grace that I wasn't going to listen to her and stay in New Jersey. That I was going to go to New Haven and sit by her side. She, too has had to endure more than someone would in their life. She continues to do so with grace and dignity. And while she may not think so....I believe my sister to be one of the strongest and most courageous people I know. I love are priceless.
Last, but not least, I am thankful for finally listening to my mother and "doing something" (as she used to say) with this gift I have for photography. I get to do something I love and am passionate about, I get to share it with other people, I get to bring smiles to the faces of these families, and I get to give them something they can treasure for years to come.
Have a happy thanksgiving everyone!
Oh....these images...I was working on right before my niece went into the hospital. I love them.